Study tenses another way. When we study verbs, teachers generally introduce a tense and say, for example: “The simple present is used for…” Why not look at tenses the other way round? It’s easier and makes more sense. Therefore, see examples of how we can organise some present verb tenses based on what we want…
Fundae fundaments for face-to-face lessons Fundae is a Spanish entity that refunds money to companies who run training programs. Several conditions must be met for the system to work. In the case of “traditional” lessons with a teacher, their main conditions are: No cancelled lessons: Fundae allows no cancellation, which means classes can never be…
Don’t use slang, abbreviations or ironical phrases if you want to be understood when talking to foreigners One way to help others understand you better is to avoid ironical phrases. Irony doesn’t travel well from one culture to another and brings confusion, so try not to use it. Also, stay away from slang, which listeners…
It’s not nice to be ill—especially when you travel. The story behind this tip I was visiting my family in Canada when I got a toothache. As I lived in Spain, I wasn’t covered by the Canadian health system. I called my Spanish dentist, who prescribed an antibiotic. However, I could not get one without…
One way to help listeners understand you better is to make it clear when you change subject. You can use phrases like “Now we will introduce the next proposal” or “We’ve discussed finance up to now. The next point in my speech will be production”.In this way, listeners will know that you’re now talking about…
Ya puedes leer las historias bilingües de Spotty en un libro de tapa dura. Descubre las emocionantes aventuras de Melanie y su perrito en los cuentos de Spotty. Es un libro ideal para niños, que aprenden inglés o español a través de divertidas historias que transcurren en la ciudad, el río, el lago y el…
You can already buy books written by Andrew D. Miles The site is already reachable. It includes all the books Andrew D. Miles has self-published. Just follow the link and choose the one you like best. You will find books for business English learners, a dictionary, bilingual stories for young children who want to learn English…